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The Rise of the Patriots

Rebirth of the Nation State

Political obliviousness caused the situation that the West finds itself in today. So naturally, the impostors in political positions of power are terrified of a political awakening in the masses for one simple reason; it means their downfall and expulsion from the levers of power.

A cultural attitude of freedom and patriotism will change politics as we know it. Welcome the rebirth of the nation state. The solution to the satanic global new world order.

When I see my fellow man awakening in any way shape or form, political included, it brings a sense of joy to my soul. I've hoped for this for decades since my own beginning of discovering the dark underbelly of humanity back in the late 90's.

Often, people have to come to a greater awareness of life and purpose through appointed stages. And politics/conspiracy is perhaps the most common first step into a greater reality.

At the very least, seeing people take a participatory role in the political process is gratifying. For to love one's country enough to take action to protect and defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic is the first duty of a patriot.

(Video production - Matt Presti - 12/2020)

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